Dr. Ted Boyias has searched all available sources on the elusive Knights of the Golden Circle and related secret societies in California. His account reveals the web of intrigue spun by California Southern sympathizers and the Union agents who acted to obstruct them.
His account begins with Californians fighting against other Californians, each group serving a different national interest. While all Confederate States except South Carolina, sent troops to fight for the Union, California was the only free state to send an organized military unit to fight for the Confederacy.
What were the Knights of the Golden Circle? When did the Knights of the Golden Circle begin? Who led them? Who was involved with them? Were they a threat to the United States, and if so, how did the federal government respond?
Dr. Boyias addresses each of these questions in the following pages.
New from The Scuppernong Press

Paperback, 116 pages, $15.00
Paperback, 186 pages, illustrated, $20.00
Did you know …
The designer of the State Seal of California became a Confederate officer?
The majority of the founding fathers of California as a state became Confederates?
Southern California nearly seceded in 1860, a year before South Carolina?
The Californios (Mexicans of California) from before the US annexation of 1848 were largely Confederate in sympathy?
Many well-known cities of California were founded by Confederates?
A great number of Union soldiers and sailors, much needed in the East, were tied down in California to suppress the vociferous anti-union press, put down constant insurrections and riots, and chase numerous bands of Confederate partisans and guerrillas?
Find these answers and more!